Academic Overview

Fall River’s continuous goal is to see students progress academically, psychologically and socially.

To meet these goals, we have:

  • An Accountability Team of both staff and parents meets to review data to maintain a high level of accountability over the program for learning.
  • Professional Learning Community meets weekly in grade level teams to plan for differentiated instruction and monthly as a whole school for data-driven dialogue.
  • The latest in technology upgrades throughout the school have enhanced the learning process.
  • RtI/MTSS meets students intervention needs by providing early academic assistance. All students access interventions and enrichment daily through Intervention/Enrichment time and flexible reading groups.
  • A school-wide Positive Behavior System called ROCKS emphasizes responsibility and supports students in making positive academic and behavioral choices.

Achieving Academic Success

Fall River students consistently score above district and state averages on state assessments. Achieving academic success at Fall River includes:

  • Small group instruction and individualized learning opportunities,
  • Teachers trained in differentiation to address the academic needs of every student.
  • Strong literacy support for students and teachers.
  • Parent volunteers that reinforce classroom instruction.
  • Outstanding ESL and Special Education support.
  • STEM activities and 21st Century Skills integrated into daily learning.

Supporting the Learning Process

  • Response to intervention (MTSS) meets students’ needs by providing early academic assistance. All students access interventions and enrichment daily through intervention/enrichment time and flexible reading group instruction.
  • An Accountability Team of both staff and parents meets to review data to maintain a high level of accountability for student achievement and school climate.
  • Professional Learning Community meets weekly in grade level teams to plan for differentiated instruction and monthly as a whole school for data-driven dialogue.
Fall River Elementary School