
Fall River students consistently score above district and state averages on state assessments. Achieving academic success at Fall River includes:

  • Small group instruction and individualized learning opportunities,
  • Teachers trained in differentiation to address the academic needs of every student.
  • Strong literacy support for students and teachers.
  • Parent volunteers that reinforce classroom instruction.
  • Outstanding ESL and Special Education support.
  • STEM activities and 21st Century Skills integrated into daily learning.

Supporting the Learning Process

  • Response to intervention (MTSS) meets students’ needs by providing early academic assistance. All students access interventions and enrichment daily through intervention/enrichment time and flexible reading group instruction.
  • An Accountability Team of both staff and parents meets to review data to maintain a high level of accountability for student achievement and school climate.
  • Professional Learning Community meets weekly in grade level teams to plan for differentiated instruction and monthly as a whole school for data-driven dialogue.
Fall River Elementary School