Parent & Community Involvement

Parent, guardian, and family engagement is important in supporting the success of our students. Accordingly, there are many ways for our families to get involved with our school.

Parent Volunteers

Community support is a vital element to student success. We are fortunate to have dedicated community members who provide many hours of support to our students through volunteerism.

There are many opportunities for volunteering in our school. School volunteering possibilities include:

  • classrooms
  • library
  • specials classes (art, computer lab, etc…)
  • school events
  • PTO activities

If you are interested in volunteering in your student’s classroom or at the school, please contact your Student’s teacher. 



Fall River has always had robust volunteer support. Parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents and even retired teachers all give their time to support our teachers, staff and students. At any given moment, there are likely to be as many as 20 volunteers in the building. Some volunteers are available during the school day, and assist teachers and support staff. Others support the school outside of school hours through PTO opportunities such as conference meals.

Whatever your availability, there is a way for you to be part of your student’s school.  Please contact your child’s teacher or the front office for school day volunteer opportunities; see the PTO website for a current list and sign-ups for many other opportunities. For those volunteering in the school building, you will need to first submit a volunteer application for approval by the principal (forms are available in the front office). Please consider volunteering at Fall River Elementary; the more our school community works together for our children, the better we are at meeting all students’ needs!

Fall River Elementary School