Category: Newsletter

Community Schools March News

March Newsletter   Hello Fall River Families! Make sure to look in your child’s Friday folder to see great upcoming classes from Community Schools! If you are in need of an enrichment class booklet, you can find extras in the main hallway at Fall River, or they are all listed on! Summer registration is […]

February Counselor News

Teaching Our Kids to Not Interrupt   Is it healthy for children to believe that they can interrupt adults? Ironically, we reinforce this bad behavior when we repeatedly tell them to stop interrupting. In effect, we are encouraging them to interrupt. To make matters worse, there are few things more rewarding to a child than being […]

Principal May News

Dear Fall River Families,   There is always so much going on at the end of the school year—I don’t think it can all fit into this one small page!!!  So let me be sure to encourage you to read all of the classroom information coming home in the next few weeks to be sure […]

Principal News

Dear Fall River Families,   State tests start soon, and we are so proud of how hard the kids work to show us their best!  A special thank you to Mrs. McIntosh and all of our classified and office staff for their excellent coordination and support of this event!  Tests run April 8-18, grades 3rd […]

Principal News

Dear parents and guardians,   Parent/Teacher Conferences! Yes, it is time for round two…and we hope to have excellent turnout once again!   Attending your child’s conference is a critical parental obligation; your awareness of your child’s progress and what is going on in their school life is crucial to their educational success. If you are […]

Preschool News

February Preschool Newsletter February 2019 Wow! It is February already! We have recently completed our formal assessments and the first part of this busy month will be full of parent teacher conferences with lots of fun talking about all the projects the students have been engaged in. To add even more excitement, we will be […]

Preschool News

December Preschool Newsletter   December 2018 Last month we celebrated togetherness, and light through exploring the cultural traditions like Diwali, St. Martin’s day and Thanksgiving we have learned more about what makes us who we are. This month we will continue to investigate how food plays a role in our identities and how children experience […]

Fall River Elementary School