Principal News

Dear parents and guardians,


Parent/Teacher Conferences! Yes, it is time for round two…and we hope to have excellent turnout once again!   Attending your child’s conference is a critical parental obligation; your awareness of your child’s progress and what is going on in their school life is crucial to their educational success. If you are reading this after conferences are over, thank you for making the arrangements necessary to make this happen.  Thank you also to our PTO, who feeds our staff on the long conference nights!  


Our traffic issues have been getting better, but it never hurts to remind everyone of our parking lot rules, as we continue to have some people not driving safely.  This includes drivers stopping in the middle of the parking lot to pick up students.  Cars must park in parking spaces only, not in the driving lane in the middle of the parking lot.  In addition, the parking lot is for preschool pick-up, volunteers, and staff only.  Please help us keep our children safe!  


A reminder that state testing season is coming soon!  The online state tests for grades 3-5 will be during two weeks in April (one week after Spring Break).  Please see calendar in this newsletter AND on our websites for the dates for your particular grade level.   Grades 3-5 will take tests in English Language Arts and Math; Grade 5 will also take Science.  Please remember to have your students here on time with plenty of rest and a good breakfast! These are important factors that will always positively impact their work here at school. Your students will chances to take a practice version of these new online tests, so feel free to ask what they think!  We appreciate your support in helping our students show off their very best on the state tests!


Our kindergarten registration was quite successful this year; we will again be offering two full day kindergartens, as well as AM half day sections!  If the legislature is successful in funding full day kindergarten for all, we will be in touch with more information.  We are still accepting registrations for adding a possible 3rd round of Full day kindergarten. You should have received a call about your registration, but please keep an eye out for additional kindergarten information arriving in the mail soon to all of our kindergarten registrants.  If you know of someone who still has not registered, please send them our way!  Pre-school registration also went well, and all sections are full, but please also send any late registrants our way.  Please stop by the school, give us a call, or check the district website for more information.


Don’t forget that you have an opportunity to recognize one of our fantastic teachers by nominating them for an Teacher of the Year Award from the St. Vrain Valley Education Foundation (this used to be called the Encore Awards). Give us a call or check the Education Foundation of St. Vrain Valley website for more information.  Help us thank our teachers for all they do for the children of Fall River Elementary!


Thank you for your continued investment in this school, and your support of our students and staff.  And, of course, for having the Courage to Be Outstanding!


–Dr. Guthals


Fall River Elementary School