Category: Technology

December Student Council News

Student council members have been writing announcements to share how we can use ROCKS every day in our school.  We’ve also been busy preparing for the canned food drive.  Student Council sponsors a classroom contest to help collect canned and dried food for the Community Food Share.  We will be running the contest for the […]

December STEM News

Design challenges were taken on by 1st and 2nd grade students. Understanding empathy as the focus, as well as working together and preserving through difficulty, students were tasked with making a chair for Baby Bear from Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The challenge: make a chair out of 4 pieces of paper, masking tape, stands […]

December PTO News

PTO News ~ December 2019 We hope you can make some time to join us for our December events listed below.  As we head into the end of the year, we hope you are finding some time to relax and enjoy being a part of the Fall River Community! Thank you for your support and […]

Library November News

Hello from the Learning Lab! We have been reading, checking out books, and making lists of books we’d like to read this year. We also learned how to log on to the SVVSD Digital Library (Sora App) and check out books online too! The students can access the digital library from home devices as well. […]

STEM November News

4th and 5th Grades are taking the Moose in Rocky Mountain National Park design challenge to a writing level.  They are reading three different perspectives of whether or not to reintroduce wolves into the park.  The moose are overgrazing the wild willow tress creating an environmental imbalance.  Reintroducing wolves back into RMNP would be one […]

Art November News

Art Room Update   Artsonia   For the past several years I have been creating online student art portfolios using  Artsonia manages student art portfolios in a safe and educational manner, developing students’ pride and self-esteem, and involving parents and relatives in arts education. We need your permission to create a digital portfolio of […]

PTO November News

PTO News ~ November 2019 We made it through one of the busiest times of the school year and we couldn’t have done it without your help!  Thank you to all of those who helped with Fox Trot, conference meals, book fair, Restaurant Community Night, and more!   In November things slow down a little […]

October Library News

Hello from the Learning Lab! We have been reading, checking out books, and making lists of books we’d like to read this year. We also learned how to log on to the SVVSD Digital Library (Sora App) and check out books online too! The students can access the digital library from home devices as well. […]

September Family Connections Newsletter

In this month’s issue of the Family Connections Newsletter, we include Schoology tips for parents, information on private web browsing, and tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics for promoting healthy digital habits. To sign up to receive the monthly newsletter in your email, click here!

Fall River Elementary School