Library November News

Hello from the Learning Lab! We have been reading, checking out books, and making lists of books we’d like to read this year. We also learned how to log on to the SVVSD Digital Library (Sora App) and check out books online too! The students can access the digital library from home devices as well. They use the same login as they would at school. They can check out 5 books online, as well as the ones they can check out here at school. When a book is checked out online, they usually have about 2 weeks to read it, and then the app turns the book back in automatically on the due date. There’s no worry about lost or overdue books! Check it out! Looking ahead, we will continue our focus on reading, as well as try out some cool writing and research apps on the iPads. Your children are truly a delight, I love their excitement for learning and wanting to share what they learn!

Fall River Elementary School