December Library News

We read a wonderful book called “The Word Collector” and learned how to better notice the words around us that we may not know. We are also better recognizing how we can add words into our speech and writing that we wouldn’t normally use…but add extra feeling or a little more pizzazz! December brings the annual “Hour of Code” that our school district supports…the kids love this week! There are some fun apps on Ceran that help them practice coding. We will be focusing on how to code, but also how it’s ok when we make mistakes…it helps us learn! Please remember to have your students return their library books to school as soon as they are done reading them. I’ve encouraged them to find a good spot to keep their books when they’re at home…a place where the books are safe from water, little siblings, and pets. 😉 Thanks for all you do to help them love to read!

Fall River Elementary School