Preschool November News

November 2018

With a chill in the air, we welcome in November and the notions of family, traditions, culture, and home. To honor the differences we all bring to the diversity in our classroom, the students will be asked to reflect on what these concepts and words mean to them and how that might be different from other people, and even from animals. We will continue to explore stories and storytelling from the rich history of folk tales. We are excited to begin working on our self portraits, adventures in watercolor and of course academics as well.

Last month we said goodbye to our friend as Isaac moved to his new class.

This month we will celebrate 5 birthdays – Zayden, Penelope, Serafina, Areliz, & Dempsey.  


What families can do to support and participate:

We would love to build up our collection of natural materials! Pine cones, cool rocks, sticks, pieces of wood, “wood cookies”, twigs, grasses, plants, and flowers.


Our family event for November will take place on Tuesday November 6th at Jim Hamm Nature Preserve. We will all participate in a nature scavenger hunt.  


Also, we want to hear about your family traditions for Autumn! Foods, Drinks, Gatherings, events, places to visit, etc! Just shoot an email over to Mrs. Jeslyn @ [email protected]


Fall River Elementary School