Library December News

Happy Fall/Winter from the Learning Lab!

We’ve been reading some great books together, while also adding some wonderful books to our library collection!  The older grades have been learning and practicing binary code, while the younger grades have been practicing alphabetical order.  We are preparing for the Hour of Code nationwide event happening in December!  We’ve taken a step back and are first learning about the language of a computer.  We will all be learning more about coding, and trying things out on some fun apps we have on our computers and iPads very soon!  They are picking this up quickly, which is so exciting!

 As we approach some time off of school, I’ve encouraged the students to check books out so that they have something interesting to read over the break.  Any extra reading they can do at home is always helpful!  If they are having trouble finding something they’re interested in, please have them let me know, I’m happy to help! 

Enjoy your time together this holiday season!

Amy Parkinson

Fall River Elementary School