Courage & Character
Hello Fall River Fox Families,
Just a few quick reminders as we head into the weekend.
Fox Trot
We had our most successful Fox Trot ever! We surpassed our goal and raised a record $57,807! This means our kids will continue to have our expert reading interventions, field trips, STEM materials and more. Thank you parents for your amazing work and contributions. Hope to see all of you at the Ultimate Fox Party this evening, 4:30-6:30 on the playground.
We are offering a wide variety of extracurricular clubs for kids this year. These include 100 Mile Running Club, KidZing Choir, Chess Club, Robotics, Bucketheads Drumming Club, Newspaper Club, Student Council, Art Club, and more. Some of these clubs have already begun, others will be coming up shortly, and still others will begin this spring. Please watch for info in our newsletter and in grade level newsletters. Call us if you have questions.
Parent/Teacher conferences are next week. If you haven’t already, please be sure to reserve a time slot with your child’s teacher. We have hit 100% turnout for the past couple years running, and our objective is to meet that again this year. Please call our nice front office staff (our secretary, Amanda or our attendance clerk, Nicole) for assistance or questions if needed. 720-652-7920.
Onward and upward!
Quinn O’Keefe
Fall River Principal
KidZing at Homecoming!

Our very own KidZing Choir, along with other local choirs, will be singing the National Anthem at the Skyline Homecoming football game next Friday, October 4th. We are really excited about this opportunity! Mark your calendars and see the amazing talent of our young Fall River Foxes and cheer on the Skyline Falcons.
School pictures are ready!

It’s not too late! To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student’s student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
What’s happening in 3rd Grade?

Our 3rd graders learned about Naturalists. To help us better understand what a Naturalist is, Third Graders were able to WebEx with a Naturalist in Alaska. They learned what a Naturalist does and asked questions. To make things even more exciting we learned that Our Naturalist just happened to be a former Fall River Fox as well, Katie Nieuwlandt.
St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Band Night, Oct. 9

Support our high school band musicians! Join us at Everly-Montgomery Field in Longmont on Wednesday, October 9 at 6:00 p.m. for St. Vrain Valley’s Band Night. This evening of music features performances from nine high school bands. Tickets are $6 for adults, $5 for students, and free for children 6 and under and eighth grade students with a valid student ID. New this year: St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Student Performance Drone Team will conclude the evening with a show celebrating music across our schools.
Learn more and purchase tickets online.
iPad Safety and Responsible Use
NO PASSCODE – We ask that elementary students not put a passcode on their school iPad.
PROTECTIVE CASE – iPads remain in the provided case at all times.
RESTRICTIONS – SVVSD sets up restrictions on the student iPads to limit access to certain apps and content. (More information about the default restrictions can be found on the LTP website iPad Restriction Settings.) The school may also set up additional restrictions as needed to assist in managing student use.
SCREEN TIME – Parents have the right and the ability to set up additional restrictions on your student’s iPad beyond what is set by the district. Information on how to do this can be found on the LTP Website Apple’s Screen Time.
PRIVACY – Because the iPad belongs to SVVSD, we have the right to review the content at any time per Board Policy JS. Parents and guardians have the right to monitor their student’s use of the device. Students are expected to respect the privacy of others and not record, photograph, or share personal information of others without their permission.
RESPONSIBLE USE – School iPads are intended to be a tool for learning. Students are expected to abide by BOARD Policy JS and any rules set by the school, teacher, or parent while using the iPad. You are encouraged to set healthy limits for home use such as students using their iPad within sight of a trusted adult for an appropriate amount of time. Set boundaries, safeguards, and expectations for technology use at home that align with your family values.
LOST iPAD – If the device is lost or stolen, let the school know immediately and provide information to help recover the device if possible.
iPAD REPAIR and REPLACEMENT – Students are responsible for taking care of the iPad and accessories. Report any broken or lost equipment to the teacher right away. Families may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement. Repairs can only be facilitated through district processes. If you opt into the Insurance program and accidentally damage the iPad, SVVSD will provide a replacement as quickly as possible at no charge for a first incident. If you choose not to opt into the Insurance program, SVVSD will communicate a repair cost to you and provide a replacement. SVVSD provides students with a charging brick and cable. If this cable is lost or damaged, you are responsible for replacing it.
RETURNING iPADS – If you transfer to another school or leave the district, you are expected to return the iPad, case, charger, and charging cable in good condition.
Enroll Now: Space Available in Preschool and Wraparound Pre-K Programs for 2024-2025

St. Vrain Valley Schools offers a variety of high-quality early childhood education options, including preschool and wraparound pre-k care programs, designed to meet the needs of families in our communities. St. Vrain Valley’s programs provide a comprehensive and supportive learning environment for our youngest learners. Space is still available at various district locations for children ages 3 to 5.
Click to learn more about early childhood education options and how to enroll your child.
St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Annual Musical Instrument Drive

Donate gently used musical instruments to support St. Vrain Valley Schools’ music program during our annual collection drive. Drop off your contributions at the Lincoln School building at 619 Bowen St. in Longmont on Thursday, Oct. 3 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or Friday, Oct. 4 (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) and receive a donation receipt. Your generosity enriches our classrooms, provides instruments for students, and enhances our district’s music programming.
Click to learn more.
Remind your students to check out lost and found for missing items. “Special” items (like jewelry, glasses, etc.) are kept in the office.
A coin purse was found on 9/6/24 with cash inside. Please come to the office to identify.

100 Mile Club makes fitness fun by challenging students to run, jog, or walk 100 miles during the school year. It’s not too late to sign up. 100 Mile Club meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Volunteering at Fall River Elementary
We love our volunteers at Fall River! In order to align with St. Vrain Valley School District’s volunteer policy, we will be asking volunteers to complete a “Volunteer Application”. We appreciate everything our Fox Family does to support our students and thank you for helping with this policy.

Fall River Fox Calendar
9/30/24, 10/1/24, & 10/3/24 Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/2 NO LATE START, school starts at regular time
10/11 & 10/14 NO SCHOOL
10/31 Halloween Parade
PTO Happenings

PTO has volunteer positions available! We’ll have current openings as well as information on upcoming events and a few words from our principal.
Sept 27 – Fox Trot Party
Our fundraiser celebration if we meet our goal that includes bounce houses,
food trucks, games and friends!
Oct 7 – PTO Meeting in Library 6 PM
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences – 9/30, 10/1 & 1/3
Meal signups will be available soon PTO Homepage
Contact us to get involved! [email protected]
Safety Reminders

Arrival: The bell rings at 8:40. Students will enter the classroom from their teacher’s exterior door. Students will line up at the exterior door until the bell rings. Students may not arrive before 8:40am. The tardy bell rings at 8:55. Parent must come to the office to sign in any student arriving after the tardy bell
Dismissal: The bell rings at 3:25. Please click here to learn some tips for a successful drop off and pick up.
Thanks for partnering to keep our kids safe.