Courage & Character
Hello Fall River Fox Families,
Look out for the planetary parade tonight! Several planets in our solar system will align in a beautiful display visible in our evening sky. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to step outside and experience the wonders of space together.
This event is a perfect way to spark your child’s interest in astronomy. If the sky is clear, you’ll have a chance to see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all appearing in a line. Such an alignment doesn’t happen often, making this a truly special sight.
You don’t need any special equipment, other than maybe a pair of binoculars. If you have a telescope at home, this would be a great time to use it! Encourage your child to make observations and perhaps even sketch what they see.
Moments like these create lasting memories and inspire future scientists, engineers, and explorers. We hope you’ll take a few moments to look up and marvel at the beauty of our universe.
Onward and upward!
Quinn O’Keefe
Fall River Principal
Registration Open for Elementary Project Launch

Academic proficiency is an important district goal for elementary students. Research shows that extended school year learning opportunities positively impact student success.
Project Launch Program Includes:
- Targeted literacy practice daily
- Content literacy in science and social studies
- Focused math study and exploration
- Transportation provided for those who qualify from predetermined bus stops
- Breakfast and lunch provided
- Exiting Kindergarten – 4th Grade Students
- Available at no cost to families
Date & Times
June 2 – June 26, 2025
8:30-3:30 PM
Attendance all 16 days is critical
We will close individual grade levels when full.
Space is limited! To register, please contact your school or teacher for a registration form, and return your completed form to either your child’s teacher, or the school office. There is no online registration format. You will be notified if your child is placed on a waitlist for this program.
Inscripciones Abiertas para Project Launch en escuelas Primarias
La competencia académica es una meta importante del distrito para todos los estudiantes de primaria. Las investigaciones demuestran que las oportunidades de aprendizaje durante extensiones del año escolar influyen positivamente en el éxito de los estudiantes.
El programa de Project Launch incluye:
- Práctica diaria de alfabetización dirigida.
- Alfabetización de contenido en ciencias y estudios sociales.
- Estudio enfocado y exploración de las matemáticas.
- Transporte proporcionado para quienes califiquen, desde paradas de autobús
- previamente determinadas.
- Desayuno y almuerzo incluidos.
- Estudiantes que salen del Kínder al 4.° grado.
- Disponible sin costo para las familias.
Fecha y hora:
Lunes a jueves, del 2 al 26 de junio de 2024.
8:30 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.
La asistencia es crítica los 16 días del curso.
Cerraremos los grados individualmente cuando estén llenos.
El espacio es limitado. Comuníquese por favor con su escuela o maestro para solicitar una forma de inscripción y regrésela después de completarla, ya sea a su maestro o en la oficina de la escuela. No hay un formato para inscripción en línea. Se le notificará si su estudiante ha sido colocado en una lista de espera para este programa.

Lost and Found is FULL!

Lost and Found is FULL with over 100 items.
Please check for missing coats, jackets, snow pants, shirts, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, scarves, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc.
All Lost and Found will be donated over Spring Break.
Upcoming Drone Shows Celebrating the SVVSD Robotics Program

St. Vrain Valley Schools is proud to host the state robotics tournaments across three different weekends. This commitment to robotics is unbelievable and we appreciate Trail Ridge Middle School, Altona Middle School and Erie High School for being the host schools of the tournaments.
We are especially happy to recognize that both the student robotics leadership team and the student drone performance team are working together to create the best possible experience for everyone. The robotics leadership team has worked all season hosting tournaments across the district and now are able to share their expertise at the state tournaments. The drone performance team has created custom drone animations specifically designed to celebrate the world of robotics. Their collaboration and dedication are truly commendable.
As we celebrate our district-wide robotics program, we want to extend a special invitation to all school communities to enjoy these spectacular drone shows. It’s a truly unique and inspiring performance you won’t want to miss!
- VEX IQ State Robotics – Friday, Feb. 28th at 6:20pm, Trail Ridge Middle
- V5 Middle State Robotics – Friday, March 7th at 7:30pm, Altona Middle
- V5 High State Robotics – Friday March 14th at 8:00pm, Erie High School

Looking for games and puzzles!

Half-Year iPad Insurance is Available!
If you have NOT already purchased iPad insurance for your student’s iPad, you now have the option to purchase half-year iPad Insurance. Please contact our school Secretary, Amanda Rogowski ( [email protected]) if you would like to purchase the Optional iPad Insurance and possibly save hundreds of dollars! Once we inspect your student’s iPad and determine that it is in good shape, we will add the fee into their Infinite Campus Account. You can then purchase the insurance through Infinite Campus.
2024-25 Student iPad Insurance Fee for the 1/2 Year: $12.50
The fee is reduced for students eligible for free or reduced priced lunch. ($5 and $7.50 respectively)
To apply for free or reduced lunch status, fill out the Education Benefit Form
iPad Insurance covers from when it is purchased until the next school year begins in August 2025!
Thank you and please don’t hesitate to contact me or Ms. Amanda with any questions!
Ms. Steph
720-652-7920 ext. 22573
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) Spring 2025
Schools in Colorado use standardized testing as a way to measure student’s academic progress and prepare students for life in the real world.
Mark your calendars! This year testing for 3rd-5th graders will occur between 4/8/25-4/18/25 (makeups 4/21-4/25).
Please keep these dates in mind when planning in the Spring. Minimizing students absences and tardies during this time is extremely helpful.
Fall River Fox Calendar
3/5– Late Start Day
3/10–3rd & 4th Grade Concert
3/17-3/21–No School-Spring Break
3/27– Group & Spring Picture Day
4/8/25-4/24/25— CMAS testing
4/15-4/20–SVVSD Art Show
PTO Happenings

3/5/25 – Late Start Day – Spring Campus Clean-Up 8:30-11:00
Yearbook Sales are live! Yearbooks will be delivered in the spring again this year for the picnic / yearbook signing. Get yours here!
PTO has volunteer positions available! Interested in seeing how you can help? Visit the Fall River PTO website to learn more.