Courage & Character
Hello Fall River Fox Families,
The front office has been invaded by ducks. Rubber ducks of all shapes, sizes and personalities that are all looking for a forever home. So it might be a good time to review with all of our Fox families the meaning of Courage and Character.
Courage means the ability to try, even when things are difficult. Sometimes it takes a little courage to gather up the gumption to take on the daunting challenges of learning, making friends, and standing up for your right to learn. At Fall River, we say all the time that “We can do hard things!” Nothing heroic was ever accomplished without having to overcome a challenge. Courage takes practice. The best time to practice courage is now.
Character means the ability to not give up–even when things are difficult. You might call it grit, or determination. Again, nothing heroic has ever been accomplished without having to endure a challenge without giving up. In fact, I’m betting you’d have a hard time naming a hero from history that did not face a challenge and have to endure hardship to overcome that challenge.
So what does courage and character have to do with rubber ducks? Well, our Foxes know that they can earn Fox Tickets at any given time by demonstrating courage and character during their school day. You never know when their Fox Ticket will be drawn from their grade level’s box on a Friday afternoon. And, of course, if your ticket gets drawn, you get to pick a rubber duck that was hoping for a hero to take them home.
Courage and character takes practice, but there are heroic things that happen every day at Fall River.
Onward and upward!
Quinn O’Keefe
Fall River Principal
Looking for games and puzzles!

Salud Dental Clinic – 2/25/25

Make Your Own Bot!

Half-Year iPad Insurance is Available!
If you have NOT already purchased iPad insurance for your student’s iPad, you now have the option to purchase half-year iPad Insurance. Please contact our school Secretary, Amanda Rogowski ( [email protected]) if you would like to purchase the Optional iPad Insurance and possibly save hundreds of dollars! Once we inspect your student’s iPad and determine that it is in good shape, we will add the fee into their Infinite Campus Account. You can then purchase the insurance through Infinite Campus.
2024-25 Student iPad Insurance Fee for the 1/2 Year: $12.50
The fee is reduced for students eligible for free or reduced priced lunch. ($5 and $7.50 respectively)
To apply for free or reduced lunch status, fill out the Education Benefit Form
iPad Insurance covers from when it is purchased until the next school year begins in August 2025!
Thank you and please don’t hesitate to contact me or Ms. Amanda with any questions!
Ms. Steph
720-652-7920 ext. 22573
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) Spring 2025
Schools in Colorado use standardized testing as a way to measure student’s academic progress and prepare students for life in the real world.
Mark your calendars! This year testing for 3rd-5th graders will occur between 4/8/25-4/18/25 (makeups 4/21-4/25).
Please keep these dates in mind when planning in the Spring. Minimizing students absences and tardies during this time is extremely helpful.
Fall River Fox Calendar
2/25–Salud Dental Clinic
3/5– Late Start Day
3/17-3/21–No School-Spring Break
4/8/25-4/24/25— CMAS testing
4/15-4/20–SVVSD Art Show
PTO Happenings

3/5/25 – Late Start Day – Spring Campus Clean-Up 8:30-11:00
Talent Show signups are live! Deadline to sign-up is March 7th.
Yearbook Sales are live! Yearbooks will be delivered in the spring again this year for the picnic / yearbook signing. Get yours here!
3/10/25 – March PTO Meeting: Mental Health 6-7pm in the library
PTO has volunteer positions available! Interested in seeing how you can help? Visit the Fall River PTO website to learn more.