Courage & Character
Hello Fall River Fox Families,
The biggest event of the Fall River year is right around the corner. It’s our annual Fox Trot fun run. This event is a long standing tradition that has come to be regarded as a Fall River rite of passage. The Fox Trot is a community celebration and a great opportunity to emphasize courage and character with our kiddos in a fun and exciting community setting.
If you are new to our school you may not know that the Fox Trot is the foundation of what I call the “secret sauce” of Fall River. Over the years, we’ve earned the reputation of being a very high performing school. One of the biggest factors in our success is our commitment to making sure that every child can read on or above grade level by the time they reach 3rd grade. Our “secret sauce” is that we use our fundraiser to staff a team of expert reading interventionists. This team provides what we call the double dose of reading instruction for ALL students in need, Kindergarten through 2nd grade.
A high performing school means happy successful kids, a safe and prospering neighborhood, and great property values. Please consider pitching in what you can to help Fall River continue to excel. If we meet our goal, this year’s Ultimate Fox Party will be open to all students and parents. I hope that all of you are able to pitch in what you can.
Donations can be made at this link: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/foxtrot24
Picture Day at Fall River 9/17/24!
Time to practice those smiles, picture day is coming! Orders can be turned in to teachers or placed online at mylifetouch.com .

Fox Trot Spirit Week – 9/16-9/20!!
Monday: Hats Off for the Fox Trot! – Wear a Hat
Tuesday: Socks Up for the Fox Trot!- Wear Fun and Crazy Socks
Wednesday: Go Crazy for the Fox Trot!- Fun and Silly hair
Thursday: Rest Up for the Fox Trot! – Wear PJs or Comfy Clothes
Friday: Go Foxes!- Wear your Fox Trot shirt

I am excited to invite students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades to participate in KidZing, our Fall River Elementary Choir. KidZing will meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:10 to 8:40 a.m., starting on September 17th. The cost for this class is $60 per student for the year, which includes a T-shirt. Space is limited, so please sign up by Friday, September 13th.
There will be two sessions during the school year. Please take note of the important dates:
- The Fall session runs from Tuesday, September 17th, to Tuesday, December 3rd. Our Winter concert will be held on Wednesday, December 4th, at 6:00 p.m. at Vance Brand Auditorium (Skyline High School). Additionally, we will perform the National Anthem at the Skyline Homecoming game on Friday, October 4th (time TBA).
- The Spring session runs from Tuesday, February 11th, to Thursday, May 8th. Our Spring concert will take place on Wednesday, April 30th, at 6:00 p.m. at Vance Brand Auditorium (Skyline High School). We will also participate in the Skyline Music Festival on Saturday, May 10th (time TBA).
Registration and payment are only available through Revtrak
If you have any questions, please email me at: [email protected]
Mrs. Vega

100 Mile Club meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Volunteering at Fall River Elementary
We love our volunteers at Fall River! In order to align with St. Vrain Valley School District’s volunteer policy, we will be asking volunteers to complete a “Volunteer Application”. We appreciate everything our Fox Family does to support our students and thank you for helping with this policy.

Fall River Fox Calendar
9/16/24-9/20/24 Fox Trot Spirit Week
9/17/24 Picture Day
9/20/24 Fox Trot Fun Run
9/30/24, 10/1/24, & 10/3/24 Parent/ Teacher Conferences (more to come soon)
PTO Happenings

PTO has volunteer positions available! We’ll have current openings as well as information on upcoming events and a few words from our principal.
Sept 20 – Fox Trot Fun Run
Our biggest fundraiser of the year and a chance to lace up your shoes and join
classmates to support our school!
Each student’s fundraising link can be found at 99Pledges.
Sept 27 – Fox Trot Party
Our fundraiser celebration if we meet our goal that includes bounce houses,
food trucks, games and friends!
Oct 7 – PTO Meeting in Library 6 PM
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences – 9/30, 10/1 & 1/3
Meal signups will be available soon PTO Homepage
Contact us to get involved! [email protected]
Safety Reminders

Please stay off cell phones while picking up and dropping off.
Keep kids safe! Buckle up!
- Drive slowly and watch for pedestrians crossing Deerwood Drive in front of our school
- RESPECT AND OBEY OUR CROSSING GUARDS – Ms. Patty, Ms. Lisa, and Mr. Kloser
- NO BICYCLES in the Pickup/Drop Off Line
- Be patient and STAY IN LINE in the Pickup/Drop Off line. We will all get through!
- Parents stay in your vehicle in the Pickup/Drop Off line.
- Obey all signs indicating direction of traffic
- PARKING LOT ONLY – Preschool pickup/dropoff, Handicap, Staff,
Volunteers, for business at the school - DO NOT walk across the parking lot coming from Deerwood Drive
- Walk all bicycles, scooters, etc when on school property
- NO DOGS with the exception of service dogs allowed on school grounds
Entering Our School Building
- All visitors enter the school building through the main front entrance
- Ring the A-Phone doorbell/camera and wait for our front office staff to answer.
- Be prepared to show identification via the outdoor camera.
- If you arrive while someone else is entering the building, please wait and then go through the A-phone process.
- It really does help our front office staff to be able to acknowledge visitors separately as they enter the building.
- Do not be offended if you are asked to wait by a person entering before you. We are all working to keep our school safe.
- Once inside, please wait to be buzzed into the front office where Ms. Nicole or Ms. Amanda will be happy to help you.