Courage & Character
Hello Fall River Fox Families,
It’s that time of year that St. Vrain invites parents, community members and staff to submit nominations for Teacher of the Year. This year, outstanding teachers will be recognized at the Celebration of Excellence this spring.
If you’d like to nominate a special Fall River teacher, please check out the link further down in this bulletin. The Celebration of Excellence is a very prestigious event and a great way to say thank you to our Fall River teachers.
Onward and upward!
Quinn O’Keefe
Fall River Principal
Nominate an Outstanding Educator

The St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation is thrilled to announce that the Celebration of Excellence (formerly Tribute to Teachers) nomination form opens on January 13th! This cherished annual event honors outstanding educators from every St. Vrain school who exemplify excellence in their roles and make extraordinary contributions to student success.
We invite students, parents, volunteers, fellow educators, school staff, community members, and business partners to nominate exceptional educators who inspire, innovate, and shape the future. In order to qualify, nominees must be licensed educators in the State of Colorado and employed at a St. Vrain Valley Schools campus for the current school year. Educators who received their school’s Educator of the Year honor within the past two years are not eligible.
Based on your nominations, one educator from each St. Vrain Valley school will be selected as their school’s Educator of the Year. These honorees will be recognized during the Celebration of Excellence on April 11, 2025, where a district-wide Educator of the Year will also be announced.
Nominations are open January 13 through February 5. Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize the educators who make a lasting impact in our schools and community!
Submit your nomination today: https://stvrainfoundation.org/programs/celebration-of-excellence/
Teacher/Student Swap Day!
Late Start Spirit Day 2/5/25
Teachers, get ready to dress like students, and students, prepare to dress like teachers!
Kindness Grams

Our teachers work long hours during conference week so let’s show them some love by making sure they are well fed! Please click the links below to sign up for the 3 different conference meal nights. Homemade, store-bought, or carry-out are all welcome.
Please label any homemade dishes with the ingredients as some of our teachers have specific dietary restrictions.
Friday, 1/31/2025: Drinks
Monday, 2/3/2025: Thanksgiving Meal
Tuesday, 2/4/2025: Taco Night
Thursday, 2/6/2025: Pasta Bar
Strapped for time? Donate here!
**If you are strapped for time but still want to contribute, we will be accepting monetary donations for those who do not have the ability to prepare and/or drop of physical donations. Please use the below link to make a donation to the PTO to be used for conference meals:

Community Schools Wraparound Registration Opens 2/6/25
Extend Your Child’s Preschool Experience with Wraparound Pre-K Care
St. Vrain Valley Schools offers licensed Wraparound Pre-K Care for children ages 3 to 5 at six school sites, providing a safe and enriching environment to complement preschool or as a childcare option for younger learners. With activities in STEAM, literacy, and creative play, children will build skills and confidence in a nurturing setting. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens February 6.
Visit Community Schools online to learn more and register.

PTO Volunteer Opportunities
We’re looking for volunteers to help decorate for the 100th Day of School! If you’re interested in helping, email PTO or join us in the front office at noon on Monday 1/27.
- 1/28 100th Day Celebration for Kindergarten-5th Grade
- 2/3, 2/4 & 2/6 Parent Teacher Conference Meals: help PTO feed our teachers and staff on these long days!
- Friday, 1/31/2025: Drinks
Monday, 2/3/2025: Thanksgiving Meal
Tuesday, 2/4/2025: Taco Night
Thursday, 2/6/2025: Pasta Bar
Strapped for time? Donate here!
- Friday, 1/31/2025: Drinks
- 2/10: February PTO Meeting: Summer Camp information & opportunities
- Talent Show details and dates are being finalized. Signups will be going home soon, start planning your entries!
- Yearbook sales will be live by the end of January, and will be delivered in the spring again this year for the picnic / yearbook signing.
Youth Soccer Clinic

On VERY cold, snowy, or rainy days, Fall River may do indoor line-up before school. Look for the large “IN” signs by the main entrance and the kindergarten doors to signal Indoor Lineup. Students will go to the exterior Gym door #25 and line up in the Gymnasium before school instead of by teacher doors.

Half-Year iPad Insurance is Available!
If you have NOT already purchased iPad insurance for your student’s iPad, you now have the option to purchase half-year iPad Insurance. Please contact our school Secretary, Amanda Rogowski ( [email protected]) if you would like to purchase the Optional iPad Insurance and possibly save hundreds of dollars! Once we inspect your student’s iPad and determine that it is in good shape, we will add the fee into their Infinite Campus Account. You can then purchase the insurance through Infinite Campus.
2024-25 Student iPad Insurance Fee for the 1/2 Year: $12.50
The fee is reduced for students eligible for free or reduced priced lunch. ($5 and $7.50 respectively)
To apply for free or reduced lunch status, fill out the Education Benefit Form
iPad Insurance covers from when it is purchased until the next school year begins in August 2025!
Thank you and please don’t hesitate to contact me or Ms. Amanda with any questions!
Ms. Steph
720-652-7920 ext. 22573
Join Us for Tunes, Tales & Tinkering!
February 3 | 5:15-6:45 P.M. | Innovation Center
Preschool-aged families who live in St. Vrain Valley are invited to a magical, musical evening featuring a special reading of Emilia Tries the Cello by local teacher, author, and cellist Dr. Katarina M. Pliego. Accompanied by members of the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, this enchanting story will come to life with a selection of short musical pieces ranging from classical to pop. During the experience, children will have the opportunity to play a variety of instruments and even create their own, blending STEM principles with musical creativity. Books will be given away while supplies last, and snacks and translation services will be available.
The evening will conclude with a spectacular performance by St. Vrain’s Student Drone Performance Team.
Learn more about this exciting event.

Digital Citizenship

Students in grades K – 5 will begin lessons in digital citizenship in January and February. Lessons are drawn from Common Sense Education and will be taught by our STEM Coordinator Mrs. Trembly, and our Campus Supervisor, Miss Steph.
Some of the content will include: Media balance and well being, privacy and security, digital footprint and identity, relationships and communication, cyberbullying, digital drama and hate speech, as well as news and media literacy.
Below, you will find links to family activities and discussion prompts around this content.
Grades K-2
Digital Citizenship Family Activity in English
Digital Citizenship Family Activity in Spanish
Grades 3 – 5
Digital Citizenship Family Activity in English
Digital Citizenship Family Activity in Spanish

Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) Spring 2025
Schools in Colorado use standardized testing as a way to measure student’s academic progress and prepare students for life in the real world.
Mark your calendars! This year testing for 3rd-5th graders will occur between 4/8/25-4/18/25 (makeups 4/21-4/25).
Please keep these dates in mind when planning in the Spring. Minimizing students absences and tardies during this time is extremely helpful.
St. Vrain Preschool Expands to Five-Day-A-Week Programs
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer five-day-a-week preschool programs. Families can explore a variety of high-quality preschool options tailored to meet families’ unique needs, including half-day morning and afternoon sessions, with full-day programs available at select locations. Registration for the upcoming school year begins on December 17.
Visit svvsd.org/preschool for more details and registration information.

Fall River Fox Calendar
2/3, 2/4, 2/6—Parent/Teacher Conferences
2/5 Late Start Day-School Starts at 11:20
2/14– No School- Non-Student Contact Day
2/17–No School-President’s Day
2/25–Salud Dental Clinic (more details soon)
3/17-3/2–No School-Spring Break
4/8/25-4/24/25— CMAS testing
PTO Happenings

-1/28 100th Day Celebration
email [email protected] if you’d like to help us decorate!
-2/3, 2/4 & 2/6 Conference Meals: sign up opportunities will be shared next week!
-Talent Show dates and signup info will be going home in the next week, start planning your entries!
-Yearbook sales will be live by the end of January, and will be delivered in the spring again this year for the picnic / yearbook signing
-2/10: February PTO Meeting: Summer Camp information & opportunities
PTO has volunteer positions available! Interested in seeing how you can help? Visit the Fall River PTO website to learn more.