Category: Parents

PTO March News

PTO News ~ March 2020 March is the time we gear up for our spring  events such as the school carnival, Teacher Appreciation Week, and the 5th grade continuation celebration.  We welcome all volunteers and encourage you to get in touch with us if you would like to get involved with any of these events.  […]

Health Office March News

Health Office Reminders:   The Health Office is running low on girls clothing.  If you have small-medium girls gently used sweat pants ,leggings underwear or t-shirts that you would like to donate please drop off in the front office.       Cold and Flu season is here.  Per District policy, students experiencing vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever over […]

February Community Schools News

Hello Fall River Families!   We are changing things up with our after school class advertising! Instead of individual fliers, look for a booklet coming home in your child’s Friday Folder for our offerings in March. We are attempting to reduce our carbon footprint and send home less paper, so make sure you don’t miss […]

February Health Office News

Health Office Reminders:   Cold and Flu season is here.  Per District policy, students experiencing vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever over 100.0 can not come to school.  Students need to be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before they may come back to school.  Also please keep children home if they are too sick to […]

February PTO News

PTO News ~ February 2020 We hope 2020 is treating you well so far!  As we get closer to Spring, the PTO at Fall River  starts to get busier each week.  Please let us know if you would like to help out! -Gina Tajchman/ President, [email protected] -Rachel VanSambeek/Vice-President   -Kimberly Kozma/Treasurer   -Dani Henrie & Michaela Aiken/ […]

February Art News

Art Room Update ArtsoniaFor the past several years I have been creating online student art portfolios Artsonia manages student art portfolios in a safe and educationalmanner, developing students’ pride and self-esteem, and involving parents andrelatives in arts education. We need your permission to post a digital portfolio ofyour child’s artwork. Feel free to contact Mr. […]

February Counselor News

Teaching Our Kids to Not Interrupt   Is it healthy for children to believe that they can interrupt adults? Ironically, we reinforce this bad behavior when we repeatedly tell them to stop interrupting. In effect, we are encouraging them to interrupt. To make matters worse, there are few things more rewarding to a child than being […]

December Counselor News

  Helping children to cool down and stay calm The following examples are for families to use at home. They are most suitable for older primary aged children. The methods described can also be adapted by school staff to help children cope with managing angry feelings at school.  Children who have trouble managing anger  Children lack […]

December Health Office News

Health Office Reminders:   Cold and Flu season is here.  Per District policy, students experiencing vomiting, diarrhea and/or fever over 100.0 can not come to school.  Students need to be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before they may come back to school.  Also please keep children home if they are too sick to […]

Fall River Elementary School