Category: Childcare

PTO March News

PTO News ~ March 2020 March is the time we gear up for our spring  events such as the school carnival, Teacher Appreciation Week, and the 5th grade continuation celebration.  We welcome all volunteers and encourage you to get in touch with us if you would like to get involved with any of these events.  […]

Community Schools March News

March Newsletter   Hello Fall River Families! Make sure to look in your child’s Friday folder to see great upcoming classes from Community Schools! If you are in need of an enrichment class booklet, you can find extras in the main hallway at Fall River, or they are all listed on! Summer registration is […]

February Community Schools News

Hello Fall River Families!   We are changing things up with our after school class advertising! Instead of individual fliers, look for a booklet coming home in your child’s Friday Folder for our offerings in March. We are attempting to reduce our carbon footprint and send home less paper, so make sure you don’t miss […]

February PTO News

PTO News ~ February 2020 We hope 2020 is treating you well so far!  As we get closer to Spring, the PTO at Fall River  starts to get busier each week.  Please let us know if you would like to help out! -Gina Tajchman/ President, [email protected] -Rachel VanSambeek/Vice-President   -Kimberly Kozma/Treasurer   -Dani Henrie & Michaela Aiken/ […]

December PTO News

PTO News ~ December 2019 We hope you can make some time to join us for our December events listed below.  As we head into the end of the year, we hope you are finding some time to relax and enjoy being a part of the Fall River Community! Thank you for your support and […]

October PTO News

PTO News ~ October 2019 Thank you all for making our 2019 Fox Trot a success!  It takes a lot of work to put together a fundraiser and we appreciate how everyone comes together for this important event!  Prize day is coming up on Friday, October 4th – we still have need for volunteers for […]

September Community Schools News

Hello Fall River Families! I hope the start of your year has been wonderful! I want to share with you exciting enrichment opportunities that are coming up this fall! We are inviting Little Geniuses to teach a six-week Spanish class! If you want your child to learn from native speakers in an enriching fun way, […]

Community School May News

Hello Fall River Families!   I can’t believe the end of the year is upon us already! We have a few more offerings for enrichment before the year closes out, and I want to share information about our child care options for the 2019-2020 school year!   The last two week of school we will […]

PTO April News

PTO News ~ April 2019Welcome back from Spring break! We have some fun things planned for April and we hopeyou can join us either as a volunteer or as a participant!-Gina Tajchman/ President, [email protected] VanSambeek/Vice-President -Kimberly Kozma/Treasurer -Dani Henrie/ [email protected] Nicolo’s Pizza Late Start Night – Wednesday April 3, 5-9 pmTake a break from cooking and […]

Fall River Elementary School