Category: Newsletter

Principal November News

Dear Fall River Families, My thanks, again, to all of you for your attendance at Parent/Teacher Conferences. Communication between school and home is one of the most important ingredients in student success. Please feel free to continue this communication via student planners, e-mails and phone conversations with teachers (and myself) and reading the class newsletters […]

Principal May News

Dear Fall River Families, There is always so much going on at the end of the school year—I don’t think it can all into this one small page!!!  So let me be sure to encourage you to read all of the classroom information coming home in the next few weeks to be sure you know […]

Student Council May News

The final Student Council Newsletter is really here. The school year has flown by. Student Council had a busy year and we still have a few more things to do before the end of May. On Thursday, April 26th we are headed to the Longmont City Building. Students will have an opportunity to learn about […]

Principal April News

Dear Fall River Families, State tests start soon, and we are so proud of how hard the kids work to show us their best!  A special thank you to Mrs. McIntosh and all of our classified and office staff for their excellent coordination and support of this event!  Tests run April 9-19, grades 3rd -5th, […]

Fall River Elementary School