Preschool October News

Our preschool world got turned upside down again, as we welcomed in the new teacher, Mrs. Jeslyn and said “see you later” to our favorite sub Mrs. Hufford.

We are working on building relationships and friendships while exploring lots of loose parts to create amazing inventions, contraptions, small worlds and works of art.

With October, we will start to take notice of cooler temperatures, changing nature, and cultural traditions! We look forward to seeing what observations, hypothesis and play the children bring in that we can dive deeper into.

This month we will celebrate two student birthdays.

What families can do to support and participate:

We would love to build up our collection of natural materials! Pine cones, cool rocks, sticks, pieces of wood, “wood cookies”, twigs, grasses, plants, and flowers.

We will be looking to set up a date when families can all meet at a pumpkin farm, watch for an email about that.

Also, we want to hear about your family traditions for Autumn! Foods, Drinks, Gatherings, events, places to visit, etc! Just shoot an email over to Mrs. Jeslyn @ [email protected]

Fall River Elementary School